A firm date has been set for publication of AN UNCOMMON MAN: October 11, 2011. Fortuitously, the New England Independent Booksellers Association's Fall Convention is in Providence this year, and we will have a strong presence there.
And the official launch party has been set: it will be 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 16, at Salve Regina University's Pell Center. Salve is such a great place, and they have been very kind to me over the years, most recently with the Newport premiere in August 2010 of BEHIND THE HEDGEROW. We expect a great crowd at the book launch, including many of the people who enjoyed Hedgerow on that hot August day.
I also will soon have the redesigned Pell bio web site. EasyWeb Creations, which has designed several, is roughing out the pages now.
Be well (and warm).